Upcoming training events
There are no training events scheduled at this time. Please contact us should you require training.
Each session will be charged at a non-refundable amount as specified (including VAT) for the training at the specified venues per person which will include tea/coffee breaks with a light lunch. (If you have specific dietary requirements, please notify us before the time so we can try our best to accommodate you).
Bookings will only be confirmed once the "training form" and proof of payment is submitted via email to our Training Coordinator
Any amount of students is more than welcome and is not limited to one person per company.
Payment is strictly payable before training.
Cancellations will NOT be accepted and no money will be refunded. Should an attendee fail to attend the session, no refunds will be given, nor can the session be moved to another date.
Please note that, although course can be presented in English and Afrikaans, all course materials (if used) will be presented in English.
I acknowledge that I have read and understand the above mentioned Course Terms and Conditions.